Sylvia Yoga | Experienced qualified yoga teacher in South Dublin & online.

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It's time to tuck in and tune in - Winter Yoga with Sylvia

Who else is ready for duvets, hot tea, warm socks, couches, cushions and cosy-ing up? 

As humans we are programmed to strive. In our busy lives we can find ourselves continually caught up with the next thing we need to do. Pushing ourselves to do more, get more, be more. 

Overload can result in too much mental stress. Stress from the brain has a physical and energetic manifestation that increases the mechanical tension within your body. It’s that rolled in shoulders, squashed belly, protective position that you would be in if someone wanted to fight you. We are in this defensive mode far too often and this changes how we sit and stand, our energy levels, how we see and feel and respond to the outside world.

We can look to our yoga for the solution and think, I need to stretch more! However when we are  chronically functioning with a stimulated sympathetic nervous system (stress response) instead of reaching our for more we should be learning to relax and release that tension in our bodies. Once the body is at ease we can then decide to change something.

Those of you who know me well know I love a soften-integrate-strengthen-stretch approach in yoga classes, I love to hear a good deep sigh! However, this Winter I also have lots of opportunities for you to come with me on a journey within to discover how to simply let go more. 

Posture and Alignment Meditation on a Monday morning, 10am, Terenure is a seated yogic practice for body, breath and mind. Weekly yoga classes in Dublin are ongoing.

Adventurous yogis, I have some interesting classes and workshops in the Yoga Hub in Dublin City Centre around the Winter Solstice. Early morning yoga practices at the darkest hour just before the dawn. A more civilised post-Christmas mid-day workshop on 27th: Flow, lengthen, twist deeply. Stretch, find space, restore balance.

For those of you who like to cosy up at home, treat yourself to 45 minutes of utter surrender, my audio Yoga Nidra practice guides you to find your samadhi, your bliss! 

“I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that it kisses them so gently? And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt; and perhaps it says, "Go to sleep, darlings, till the summer comes again.” Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. 

Give yourself permission to be snug, cover up, go to sleep darlings. 

Namaste, Sylvia. x

Sylvia teaches live online yoga twice a week and monthly online workshops. You can find out more on the events and workshops page or sign up for her newsletter on her home page. Pre-recorded classes are available to you any time, you purchase once and own forever. If you’re new to Sylvia or back to yoga after a break we suggest Hatha Yoga to start. Bundles include the Zen Collection, a variety of classes for every mood, and the Daily Collection, five half-hour daily practices. Please inquire about virtual Mindfulness in the workplace. We remain very hopeful for a return to outdoor yoga in Spring Summer ’21. Join us!